Monday, September 28, 2009

Life, Lately

I haven't posted much over the last few weeks. We've been up to a lot of stuff, but it just hasn't made its way to the computer. Here's a synopsis of life, lately. Sans pictures. My apologies to those of you visual people out there.
  • Had our first garage sale ever. You'd think, this being our first, that we'd have a ton of stuff to sell, but we frequent the Goodwill drop off site regularly, so in fact we did not. But it was fun to do and we made out with a whopping $100 profit. Well worth the time!
  • Sophie's made up for lost time and now has 4 teeth! We count our lucky stars that she's a great teether...not night wakings at all! Better go find some wood to knock on.
  • We (Sophie and Melissa) have been going to story time at the library and learning lots of fun songs. We also went to the Newberg Indoor Park and had a great time.
  • Sophie took her first steps!!! Three in a row. Since then, she hasn't seemed super enthused about trying again (although she has a few times). She's pretty much a very happy crawler. Oh well. No rush on our parts.
  • Did I mention car trouble? Yes, car trouble, car trouble, and more car trouble. From both cars. I try to remind myself to be grateful we even have two cars. Just wish they would work as they should.
  • Tim and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary! We forgot to take pictures, but it was a great day spent together. Went on a walk in the sun and then cooked a steak dinner at home. Still can't believe it's been 5 years...

That's about it for now. More to come I'm sure!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dinner Time Shenanigans

It was just Sophie and I for dinner tonight, so we livened things up a bit. Between bites of broccoli and chicken, we played a great game of "get your head as dirty as possible with those sticky hands of yours". Also known as dinner-time peekaboo.

In The Beginning There Was Tim, Melissa, and a Baby Bump

In The Beginning There Was Tim, Melissa, and a Baby Bump
The Journey Begins