Sunday, May 30, 2010

Catching Up, Again

It appears we have a habit of doing this... not posting anything for months on end and then realizing there's a lot to catch up on. 'Tis life I suppose. Or you could just call us seasonal bloggers. In any case, here's the cliff notes version of what we (or mostly Sophie) has been up to lately.

Easter at Nani & Papa's house

Have you met "Momma Gorilla" yet? She and Sophie are pretty much inseparable. The first Disney movie she watched was Tarzan, and from then on the love affair with gorillas has not subsided. Throw in a stuffed animal that's as big as her and you have one VERY happy girl. (And yes, we know this is actually a chimpanzee, but please oh please do not break the girl's heart with this information.)

Took Sophie to her first circus. She loved it! When asked what she liked about it, she'd say "big" (for the big elephant), clap (yes, she was thrilled that when she was clapping, so were hundreds of other people...all in unison), and "balloon-balloon" (Don't ask me why she repeats this word. Must be so fun to say she can't stop herself.) She talked about the circus for days afterward. I just love experiencing the world through her eyes. Such a joy.

Thanks to our neighbors, Sophie was introduced to sidewalk chalk and quickly became a fan. She wants nothing more on nice days (okay, even in the rain too) than to go outside and draw "goggies" on the sidewalk.
This girl adores books. Every day, at some point or another (mostly right after mealtime), I can find her in a corner of the living room with a pile of books surrounding her. My mom keeps reminiscing about this, saying I did exactly the same thing at her age.
You're going to think I'm crazy when I say this, but the "Your Baby Can Read" stuff really does work. Have you seen the infomercials on tv? Well, my mom purchased it for her and I was skeptical to say the least at first. But Sophie took to it right away and LOVES the word cards and books. She'll often choose to read one of these books instead of a story book at bedtime. She can read so many words that it shocks us. Oh yeah...and once in a while, Tim and I get out and do something grown-up like (sans child). Like wine tasting with our good friends Stacey and Greg. We're so lucky to live next to an incredible amount of great wineries.

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In The Beginning There Was Tim, Melissa, and a Baby Bump

In The Beginning There Was Tim, Melissa, and a Baby Bump
The Journey Begins